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een uitgestoken hand bieden.
Al is het maar het tekenen van een petitie of het aanklagen van onrecht... Verspreid het, opdat ook de stem, de hulproep van deze mensen gehoord wordt... !
Dank u wel !!


zondag 9 januari 2011

Top 10 Deadliest Animals. This Will Suprise You! | Scienceray

Top 10 Deadliest Animals. This Will Suprise You! | Scienceray

The top ten deadliest animals. The order was determined via both human deaths and feature the animal has. ENJOY! and comment your opinion!

10: Poison Dart Frog
This little package may be sort of cute, but it is also slimy. It’s that slime which is the real danger. Meant to be a defensive mechanism, the Poison dart frog’s slime contains a potent toxin, each producing enough to kill around 10 humans.
9: Cape buffalo
Surprising right? Well not when you look at its features. This enormous land lover when met with danger charges in head first horns blaring. Known to grow over 1500 pounds, this beast is deadly on its own; now imagine what it’s like when stampeded by thousands.
8: Polar Bear
Like the great white, the polar bear isn’t responsible for large amounts of human deaths, although with arguably the hardest swipe of any animal, this polar killer is a sure fire danger.
7: Elephant
This giant animal is not known to be aggressive, but because of its tusk and immense weight, it can be quite the potent killer when needed.

6: Australian Saltwater Crocodile

Another Australian enters the list. This aquatic machine can sit dead still and fool other animal such as humans. But don’t be mislead, whilst this animal is large, it is also lightning quick to pounce, once it has a hold of you it has been known to be able to bite harder than 5000 pounds per square inch.
5: African Lion
Born into extremely harsh conditions, from birth this animal is born with the tools to be the killing machine it is. With Large fangs and a powerful jaw, razor sharp paws, and lightning quick movement, what can escape this king?
4: Great White Shark
Not a predominant killer of humans yet another Australian, this beast has sensors like no other marine animal. One drop of blood can be sensed and tracked from 0.4km away. One drop will also send the king of the ocean into a deathly frenzy using its powerful jaws in combination with its 3000 teethe to rip to shreds whatever it wants.
3: Australian Box Jellyfish
Always the ones you least expect. The Australian box jelly fish which can also be called the sea wasp can easily maintain up to 60 tentacles. It has been known for each of these tentacles to grow up to 15 feet long and have a whopping 5,000 stinging cells. Once clasp from these magnificent creatures hold enough toxins to kill 60 humans.
2: Asian Cobra

Whilst not holding the title of most venomous snake, the Asian Cobra is responsible for more snake bites than any other in its region.
1: Mosquito
With malaria running rampant through so many people’s blood, it’s no wonder this travelling blood bank trumps all.

Read more: http://scienceray.com/biology/top-10-deadliest-animals-this-will-suprise-you/#ixzz1Aa2wLvj5

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